Sunday, September 13, 2009
My First Income - Part 2
Finally, I got my work income from the Italy restaurant. Well, it was not much! I worked 6 hours a week, and i gained AUD80 after taxed. In additional, I got another AUD7.50 for my tips on that day. It is not easy to get this job as an Asian boy with no knowledge with Italian foods. I worked as a trial for 2 days (4 hours per day). Finally, I got this job. I need to thanks to Angelo, boss of the Portofino, gave me a chance to work for her. Wow, it was a wonderful day for me!

Sunday, September 6, 2009
My First Income
Friday, September 4, 2009
My New Job
Finally, I got a job. It was recommended by my house mate, James. It is a sale job. The working hour is from 3pm-7pm. I have to knock the door from a house by a house everyday to grab the client's detail. Well, the job is related to Australia Government Insulation Rebate Program. Basically, it is not hard to get a sale while most of the house owner wish to get a rebate from the government. I used to meet impatience customer that will ignore/reject me. However, there are some very kind customers will welcome me when they see me, especially old man.

Pic 1 - working id

Pic 2 and Pic 3 - Free Lemons from the customer (Lemon Trees any where here), and Free umbrella (I was shielded under the roof of a house, the owner gave me an umbrella from rain)
Besides, I got another restaurant job on every Friday from 4.30pm to 10.30pm. Tonight, I will start my second new work as waiting staff, barista and kitchen hand. A little bits "Kam Cheong" with my new job. However, I know I absolutely can do it well.
Pic 1 - working id
Pic 2 and Pic 3 - Free Lemons from the customer (Lemon Trees any where here), and Free umbrella (I was shielded under the roof of a house, the owner gave me an umbrella from rain)
Besides, I got another restaurant job on every Friday from 4.30pm to 10.30pm. Tonight, I will start my second new work as waiting staff, barista and kitchen hand. A little bits "Kam Cheong" with my new job. However, I know I absolutely can do it well.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Wedding Anniversary
James and Josephine are my first close pal that I meet in Australia. They are my house mate, and James becomes my colleague now.

Pic 1&2 - James and Josephine - Originally, they are from Philippine, then moved to New Zealand, now at Australia.
Yesterday is their 1st year anniversary. I did a small surprise celebration for them. I bought a cake from Acland Bakery, St Kilda. It is one of a significant cake originally from German.

Pic 3&4 - the name of the cake is called "Chocolate Kugelhugf". The outlook looks simple and ordinary. However, the taste of the cake is wonderful. It looks like a layer cake from inside, full with chocolate, with some peanut, topping with chocolate powder.
** thanks to James, introduce a job to me!
Pic 1&2 - James and Josephine - Originally, they are from Philippine, then moved to New Zealand, now at Australia.
Yesterday is their 1st year anniversary. I did a small surprise celebration for them. I bought a cake from Acland Bakery, St Kilda. It is one of a significant cake originally from German.
Pic 3&4 - the name of the cake is called "Chocolate Kugelhugf". The outlook looks simple and ordinary. However, the taste of the cake is wonderful. It looks like a layer cake from inside, full with chocolate, with some peanut, topping with chocolate powder.
** thanks to James, introduce a job to me!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Bundoora Park
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I had gone through 3 interviews so far.
1. Work at sushi bar as a sushi retailer. After ran through the job training provided by them, they ask my work availability(I am free all the time). Untill today, I have not received any call from them.
2. Become Smoothie/Fruit Juice Maker. He asked me snapped the menu with camera, then go back and memorize it and come back on the next day. I did a great job on the next day. From the feedback, he sounded like satisfied with the given test (feedback with well done, wonderful, excellent). However, he still has not called me untill today.
3. One of my excellent interviews here. I was invited by Spotless for the interview(biggest hospitality comoany in Australia) at MCG Stadium. Before the interview session started, an authority tours us around the stadium, and a briefing at the open air seat. After a short speech, we headed to the conference room and proceed with the interview. However, I don't think I will be accommodated in this position since of my working holiday visa(they need a permanent part timer). Anyhow, I still feel proud of the attendance and iIgained a free trip where everyone might don't any of opportunity.
Interviewees were waiting on the gate 1
Ground field of MCG Stadium
** MCG (Melbourne Criket Stadium)
football(Australia football, like rugby) is one of a famous game and significant activity for Australian. Usually, there will a game on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and footys always crowded in the Stadium, train, and tram with supporting panel, scraves, cap and shirt. Criket field is next to the MCG. But, i am not sure how famous of this game at here.
** footy - fan of football
Monday, August 17, 2009
Finally, I decided to attend a barista course. The main reason why I need to attend this course while I am still poor is there is high market's demand here. I am not sure how fast or how well I can get my job soon. But, I think I must well prepare for myself before I start to enter into a coffee market.

pic 1 and 2: classroom with coffee machine and coffee grinder

pic 3 : Barista Certificate

pic 1 and 2: classroom with coffee machine and coffee grinder

pic 3 : Barista Certificate
Sunday, August 16, 2009
After few weeks of hard work in job searching, I was really tired with street walking. To be honest, it is hard to get a job while global economic still under recession. I think Australia is one of the affected countries in this economic downturn. For those Asians who are living with working permit/holiday visa permit, I believe most of them are holding a professional certificate. However, they work as a waiting staff, chef, sandwich maker and those non-executive jobs. Through out the difficult period, I never give up in my job searching. I searched jobs online, and walked in to submit my resume. And, I feel it was a great experience to me where it never happened in my life.

pic : self- shooting in Dockland, Etihad Stadium is behind me.
These two days, I was a bit lazy in my routine activity. After tendered my resume in the morning session, then I spent my time sitting in Dockland. It is a beautiful port where located in the central of Melbourne. I met a Chinese guy from China. He was enjoying his fishing activity. Initially, I was just enjoyed the port view. However, the regularly of him to getting fish made me feel curious. I walked near and started to chat with him. He told me fishing is one of his relax hobby and he used to fish often. However, it is needed a fishing license (Just 23 Aussie p/year. Should I take a license, so I can spend my time in fishing while jobless?). Lastly, we make as friend. As what I have shown in my previous blog, life is simple, and we can always trigger our happiness anytime, anywhere.

pic : with some baits, then u can fish at any places.
** Fishing rule
There are some fishing rules in Australia. First, fisher must get a license. The size of a fish must not greater than the size as written in the fishing policy. If same species of a fish exceed with certain amount as listed in the fishing policy, then, fisher must releases back its freedom. The government enforces this policy to protect the population of the fish species by avoid extinct in future.
pic : self- shooting in Dockland, Etihad Stadium is behind me.
These two days, I was a bit lazy in my routine activity. After tendered my resume in the morning session, then I spent my time sitting in Dockland. It is a beautiful port where located in the central of Melbourne. I met a Chinese guy from China. He was enjoying his fishing activity. Initially, I was just enjoyed the port view. However, the regularly of him to getting fish made me feel curious. I walked near and started to chat with him. He told me fishing is one of his relax hobby and he used to fish often. However, it is needed a fishing license (Just 23 Aussie p/year. Should I take a license, so I can spend my time in fishing while jobless?). Lastly, we make as friend. As what I have shown in my previous blog, life is simple, and we can always trigger our happiness anytime, anywhere.
pic : with some baits, then u can fish at any places.
** Fishing rule
There are some fishing rules in Australia. First, fisher must get a license. The size of a fish must not greater than the size as written in the fishing policy. If same species of a fish exceed with certain amount as listed in the fishing policy, then, fisher must releases back its freedom. The government enforces this policy to protect the population of the fish species by avoid extinct in future.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
有位朋友与我分享了一篇短文,发现它非常的有意义 。。
周末午後,無緣由被點名訓話,帶著一肚子氣步出辦公室,迎面而來是冷的天氣;加上陰冷的情緒,心情一下跌至了谷底。細雨紛飛的站牌下,不禁對諸事不順遂而怪嗔、怨懟起來。無意識上了公車,在擁擠的沙丁魚陣中仍為自己的際遇不平而怨天尤人。想著他人憑著家世背景,一進公司便在眾人之上,而為公司賣命多年的自己,仍只是別人的出氣筒,想到這裡,心情就更加暗淡了。快要下車前,走到司機身旁摸索著找零錢,卻越摸越著急,身上竟沒有半個銅板!眼看車已靠站,司機、乘客面面相覷,卻沒有一個人準備同情我!不得已之下,我只好拿出千元大鈔,顫抖著手準備投入「恕不找零」的投幣口,突然...... 一位婆婆丟進十五元, 告訴司機:「兩票」便拉著我下車。下車後我才知道,其實婆婆是不用錢的,她身上的零錢只是隨時為有緣人準備;而且今天也為了我提早兩站下車,只因看我臉色不佳,想陪我一下而已。知道這件事後,我滿臉羞赧,想到婆婆剛才就站在我身邊,而我卻沒有起身讓坐……後來反倒讓她來幫助我,真令我無地自容,一小段路程,婆婆一直溫柔地執著我的手,解開我的眉梢,融化我的怨懟。臨別前她送了一個晴天小和尚給我,是她親手縫製的,上面寫著:
婆婆說:世上本來就不公平,我們際遇不好,卻有人比我們更糟;我們怨上天不公平,那麼換成我們是老天爺呢?我們能做得更好嗎?凡事要多方面想想, 其實自己是很幸運的了。當婆婆說這話時,陽光在她慈祥的背影後綻放,而我也才發現她的腿不太方便,但竟為了一個陌生人,辛苦地多走一段路,反倒快樂無比……我的淚水滑落,自己的任性造成了別人的不便,原來自己也處處給別人惹麻煩哪!婆婆謝謝您!您說的話我都聽進去了,現在的我每天都努力過得很快樂。
快樂不是用追求得來的,快樂是發現得來的,凡事總有好的一面,只在於我們願不願意去發現而已;快樂的人懂得惜福,他們從不埋怨自己缺少什麼,而會去珍惜自己擁有些什麼。朋友 你發現快樂了嗎?
周末午後,無緣由被點名訓話,帶著一肚子氣步出辦公室,迎面而來是冷的天氣;加上陰冷的情緒,心情一下跌至了谷底。細雨紛飛的站牌下,不禁對諸事不順遂而怪嗔、怨懟起來。無意識上了公車,在擁擠的沙丁魚陣中仍為自己的際遇不平而怨天尤人。想著他人憑著家世背景,一進公司便在眾人之上,而為公司賣命多年的自己,仍只是別人的出氣筒,想到這裡,心情就更加暗淡了。快要下車前,走到司機身旁摸索著找零錢,卻越摸越著急,身上竟沒有半個銅板!眼看車已靠站,司機、乘客面面相覷,卻沒有一個人準備同情我!不得已之下,我只好拿出千元大鈔,顫抖著手準備投入「恕不找零」的投幣口,突然...... 一位婆婆丟進十五元, 告訴司機:「兩票」便拉著我下車。下車後我才知道,其實婆婆是不用錢的,她身上的零錢只是隨時為有緣人準備;而且今天也為了我提早兩站下車,只因看我臉色不佳,想陪我一下而已。知道這件事後,我滿臉羞赧,想到婆婆剛才就站在我身邊,而我卻沒有起身讓坐……後來反倒讓她來幫助我,真令我無地自容,一小段路程,婆婆一直溫柔地執著我的手,解開我的眉梢,融化我的怨懟。臨別前她送了一個晴天小和尚給我,是她親手縫製的,上面寫著:
婆婆說:世上本來就不公平,我們際遇不好,卻有人比我們更糟;我們怨上天不公平,那麼換成我們是老天爺呢?我們能做得更好嗎?凡事要多方面想想, 其實自己是很幸運的了。當婆婆說這話時,陽光在她慈祥的背影後綻放,而我也才發現她的腿不太方便,但竟為了一個陌生人,辛苦地多走一段路,反倒快樂無比……我的淚水滑落,自己的任性造成了別人的不便,原來自己也處處給別人惹麻煩哪!婆婆謝謝您!您說的話我都聽進去了,現在的我每天都努力過得很快樂。
快樂不是用追求得來的,快樂是發現得來的,凡事總有好的一面,只在於我們願不願意去發現而已;快樂的人懂得惜福,他們從不埋怨自己缺少什麼,而會去珍惜自己擁有些什麼。朋友 你發現快樂了嗎?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Casino Night
I was invited by landlord owner, Robbie, to the casino night at one his house. It is a bungalow, located at the Beach Brighton, 45 minutes walk from my Brighton’s house. The house is super nice, furnished with all facilities, and each of the room attached with one plasma TV. There is a lift in house from ground floor to the roof. From the roof, I can see the sea view and Melbourne city as well. Can’t you believe it, Robbie builds a luxury room for the tenants around the world? (I hope I can pay visit to the house again with more photos).

That night is a debut event organized by Robbie, by inviting every tenant from difference houses. He prepared some nibbles and soft drinks to serve the tenant. It was a casino night. Cards, roller plate and gamble gear were prepared on the table. When the time I was arrived, they started to play poker. I met two beautiful girls there. They are Taiwanese. It was great to meet some Asians with common language. However, I never miss out my change to meet other tenants from other countries like German, Italy, UK and Iceland. They were great and fun. It broke my ice to get close to them, and exchanged culture through our conversation. Besides, Robbie also arranged a lucky draw, and make sure each of us got a small prize. I won a bath cap (duck), and pack of biscuit. The night was fun and enjoy. That was my first western party in Australia.

That night is a debut event organized by Robbie, by inviting every tenant from difference houses. He prepared some nibbles and soft drinks to serve the tenant. It was a casino night. Cards, roller plate and gamble gear were prepared on the table. When the time I was arrived, they started to play poker. I met two beautiful girls there. They are Taiwanese. It was great to meet some Asians with common language. However, I never miss out my change to meet other tenants from other countries like German, Italy, UK and Iceland. They were great and fun. It broke my ice to get close to them, and exchanged culture through our conversation. Besides, Robbie also arranged a lucky draw, and make sure each of us got a small prize. I won a bath cap (duck), and pack of biscuit. The night was fun and enjoy. That was my first western party in Australia.
House Owner - Robbie, and his wife, Molice, together with all tenants
Thursday, August 6, 2009
New house at Brighton
Finally, I got my new home, shared with a couple from Philippine. However, the existing tenant will move out only on 26th July 2009. Then, I will move to next door tentatively with a couple from New Zealand. The next day, I got my new room, shared with my travel partner. The location of this house is not as convenience as other places. However, I like the peaceful and silence of the location. It is near to beach with 2 minutes walk distance. Well, the colour of the room is dark blue. There is one wardrobe and twin beds where prepared by the owner.
room for day one - temporary shared with my travel partner
new house and new room - living hall, kichen, washroom and bedroom
Thursday, July 30, 2009
My First Night at St Kilda Beach
It was a tired day for my past 2 days. I woke up at nine and checked out at 10am. We temporary left our luggage in the hostel and walked to the Queen Victoria Market. It is a huge market within the city, where mainly attracts tourists and residents surrounded. The stalls are ordered by section based on the food type, and it is clean in the pedestrian way. If you want me to compare it with Malaysia’s market, they are much more organized and structured. After a short visit to the market, we took a free city tram surrounded the city. We stopped at Dockland, city port of Melbourne. I strolled along the jetty and enjoyed the view of the port. Beside the Jetty, some luxury apartments are constructed along the Port. It is so beautiful. After that, we took the free city tram back to my hostel, then moved into my new “house” at St Kilda Beach Hostel.

St Kilda Beach Hostel is one of the international hostels near the beach (5-10 minutes walk). To be honest, the outlook of this hostel is good, but the room’s quality is not as good as Victoria Hall Hostel. However, it is not bad in overall. The room price is much cheaper than other hostels where it costs me RM18 per day (dorm with 8 beds) if occupied for the whole week (winter sale). We shared the room with two persons from New South Wale Australia and Sepia. They are coupled. They treated us and nice and friendly. This is my first night at St Kilda.

The next day, we spent some times in Sunday Esplanade Market. This market is located at the Esplanade Road, besides sea bay. Most of the stuff are unique and local made. And, stall owners were always not allowing the tourist take photo on their local made products.
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