After came back from Chiang Mai (February, 2009). I was invited by George-The-Makan King to Batam, Indonesia (Opposite Singapore, aka Mistress Island). It was a first oversea trip organized by him, without taking any flight, and lowest budget. Initially, I rejected his invitation due at the recent traveled to Chiang Mai. I have no knowledge, how he tempted me with an attractive budget package. Eventually, I joined the trip (bad excuse .. >.<). It was a short trip with 3 days 2 nights. As usual, I have to ensure the safely of the girls (Milk and Glass-Bottle), fetched them to our gathering location at Mr. Nice Man’s house. After gathered all of them, we had our breakfast at Hong Kong Lat Thong (translation into Chinese called Hong Kong Spicy Soup Restaurant). It was the spicy breakfast I have never tried before. We ordered Vinegar Pork Leg, Spicy Soup, “Fa Tiu” Chicken (Chicken with Fa Tiu Wine) and “Bao Cha” Pork (Explode Pork). The foods were not bad, but nothing special for me. Perhaps, I used to taste even better similar dishes from another restaurant at Semenyih. We headed toward to Johor Bahru(JB) after a heavy breakfast, and make short tea break stop at the highway. Then, stopped at JB for for anther lunch break. We went to a food court recommended by Elaine, where famous with Mee Rebus at Stulang Laut (downstairs of Open University). It was another “so-so” noodle plate for me. It was not bad. However, the taste of gravy can be enhanced.
We parked our car in The Zon, and take another 100 minutes boat drive from Stulang Laut to Batam Jetty. It costs us RM120++ for return tickets. We arrived at Batam at 3pm and George had well arranged with can rental’s staff before across here (one hour time different between Batam and Malaysia). We rented a MPV (Toyota Inova) and I was the key driver of the whole journey at Batam. We were using GPS as our navigator tool. The map is not clearly updated. Lucky, George still roughly remembered about the route to Indah Puri Resort.
The resort is "unexpected" + "amazingly" beautiful. The glass doors face directly to the sea view. It was clean and furnished. Suddenly, I feel fortune didn’t reject the invitation by George. It was pleased to bring me here. As we know, this resort is belonging to George’s sister. We did some surface clean to her house, which had abandoned for few months. Then, we started to enjoy relaxing activities like watching VCD, chit-chatting, some were enjoying the sea view outside the resort.
After a short break, we drove to town and had our dinner at Nagoya Hill Shopping Mall with Indonesian foods. The foods were okay for me. Basically, I never expect any delicious food in Indonesia. Abruptly, it was a blackout while we were having the dinner. I even cannot see my own hand at that time. We shocked, but steady. Ten seconds had gone and light back. It happened twice within the short dinner and all together 5 times while we were still in the mall. However, the residents were so steady and calm. I believed it was regular incidents often happened at here. We did not spend much time in mall after buying some necessary stuff. We ended our day one with simple and relax activities.
Day 2, George made us a wonderful breakfast with stir fried eggs and hams. Then, we prepared ourselves for a day trip in Batam town. Tua Pek Kong Bio is one popular attraction in this town. It is a historical Chinese Temple located in Batam town. When we stepped into the temple, we saw lots of coin shape incenses were hanging below the roof. The great scenery of incenses makes the temple become a spot of photography. We prayed and rest awhile under the roof. Then, we make a next move to lunch. We had lunch with Chinese cuisine. From the outlook of the stall (Kopitiam 68), it looks like Singaporean owner. We have ordered some fried rice, chicken rice, seafood soup, fried Kuey Tiao and Goda-Goda and Lontong. The taste was not bad and the owner charged us with reasonable price as well. It was a boring afternoon. We went to another shopping mall again near the town after lunch. We bought some raw food for dinner, who prepared by Uncle George (he is such a kind man, HL must appreciate ohhh~). Basically, there is nothing more place to visit, better go back to the resort for its own activity. Everyone has its own plan like some people go for body massage, some people like me, wandering around with a camera (act like professional), and some people turned to pig (ZzZzZz). Surprised in the evening, where Sky and Cheras Girl came over to meet us. Wow, more and more people joined, and it was so happening. While George prepared a dinner for everyone, Glass Bottle and I brought two of them to the city (short tour). It was a wonderful night where everyone was chit-chatting at the balcony, enjoying the night scene with soft wind. We took some beers, ate with nuts until midnight. The day was so peaceful and serene.

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